Building a Custom Command in VEGAS – Part 1 – Creating the project and adding the base code

In the previous tutorial, we discussed some differences between a standard script and a Custom Command/Extension. In this tutorial we will begin creating a new Custom Command by creating the new project in Visual Studio, adding the base code required, and then change the pieces needed to make this extension unique to Vegas.

The base code can be found here:

The names we will be changing in the base code are:

MyCCMainNameSpace – The namespace used by our CustomCommand
MyCCMainFormName – The class name the main form
MyCCDockcontrolClass – The class name for our DockableControl
MyCCVegasInternalName – A unique internal identifyer for VEGAS to use
MyCCVegasTabName – The name VEGAS will show on the custom command tab
MyCCccmClassName – The class name for the ICustomCommandModule
MyCCccVariable – A Variable to hold the new CustomCommand used to set various settings and determine which “Extensions” it appears in
MyCCVegasMenuText – The text that will show in the Extensions menu
MyCCDockcontrolVariable – A Variable used to set the DockControl parameters

In the next few tutorials we will continue building on this custom command and see it working inside VEGAS.

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